We may possibly have snare on only for BFD and with IP we have snare on and off (talking about for Kicks and Toms) but I forget (at midnight on a Sunday!). So you can't lose.Īs far as if there are any other differences content-wise. For some people having it in BOTH formats would be nice and for that we'll have an inexpensive cross-grade too. Of course the hybrid kit thing between SR and OTHER company's kit pieces will probably be real nice in BFD! So, it all depends. The hybrid kit thing with SR will be better done in Infinite Player. for instance if you wanted to mix and match kit pieces with other drum sounds in IP/Kontakt that will probably never be in BFD such as certain Drum Masters kits and Ocean Way Drums.

If you happen to like Infinite Player/Kontakt for the benefits it has from the way we program for it then that will also be available. So if you already have it and love it then this and hopefully many more select kits will be coming your way. But, the thing is, we're making the BFD version FOR BFD users.
Actually the regular Infinite Player version is 48k with no data compression so technically that too is not exactly the same - plus the sounds of the engines are different. PimWell, two things won't be in BFD format and that is a stereo version and also a 96k version. Will BFD2 owners loose anything in comparison to the Infinitie Player kit? you mentioned different kits/sizes for the Infinite Player but just one for BFD2. Anyway, I also posted demos for all of the main EpiK DrumS kits too so go to and look around! This could be good for when we do live streaming which we'll be doing soon where you can ask me or whoever questions and we can demonstrate it live for you.
I wanted to see what it would look and sound like just coming right out of my Mac like that. I was just experimenting and having some fun here. So you're all good! It's us keyboardists that need to practice. where foot is the only choke so that can't happpen but also the trigger is just not possible to do what mistake I made from the keys on a hi hat controller (hitting more than one note at once). However, this is not an issue at all for the V-Drum version which works more like a regular hi hat anyway. But, actually when one does practice and nail that more accurately than I did the benefits of the additional choke keys is worth it. it's not harder to play! At least for me. You see, at one point we used to have JUST the foot be the choke for iMap but then some users wanted also other closed keys to choke all open keys and well. There's even a 96k version for Infinite Player coming that is more and there's an STm version that is under a hundred so.

The Infinite Player version comes in various sizes and prices. Not bad considering how deluxe it is (15 gigabyte kit compressed down to 5 gigabytes). Maybe it's supposed to be that way, but it didn't sound natural to me.BFD2 version is going to be $149 MSRP which means just over a hundred bucks street price. I noticed that the hat samples cut in a weird way in the video at 1 min 12 sec and forward though. +1 for an edrum video of this kit being played! One or two more months left until we can play it. Nice built in iSight I really want this kit. Sounds great Squids! Thanks for the video.